Feh gamepedia
Feh gamepedia

These units will have fantastic matchups against many common threats, making them some of the strongest choices for their role.

feh gamepedia

At start of combat, if foes HP 75, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, and also, if unit initiates combat or foes range 2, reduces damage from foes first attack by 40. This, in turn, makes him one of the strongest hitting red mages in the entire game. Make sure to read these when you first start Fire Emblem Heroes. Tier 2 units are among the strongest in the game. Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Pelleas enters the game with a very respectable base Atk stat of 40 and a superboon in said stat, pushing it to a whopping 44 Atk before any weapons or skills are accounted for. Free and timely updates will add new characters and content for additional hours of gameplay as well. Beyond the main story mode, players can engage in other modes to strengthen their army or to compete against others. If they manage to defeat every enemy on a given map, victory will be theirs. Players lead their armies with easy touch-and-drag controls, including the ability to attack by simply swiping an ally hero over an enemy. The Resplendent Heroes currently being distributed through Feh Pass will change on the 10th and 25th day of each month.

feh gamepedia

Resplendent Attire feature designs that draw from Askr, Nifl, and other aspects of the Fire Emblem Heroes world. Quick and dirty script to scrape data off the Fire Emblem Heroes wiki - GitHub - caguiclajmg/feh-gamepedia-scrape: Quick and dirty script to scrape data off. Players can enjoy the full majesty of tactical role playing on bite-sized maps designed to fit nicely on a smartphone screen, even when playing in short bursts. When you receive a Resplendent Attire (skin), you can change the corresponding Hero to a Resplendent Hero. This process is expected to take 45 hours, during which time all information will be accessible, but no edits. Once the database has been fully transferred to the new site at users will be redirected. Some familiar hero characters will become allies, while others will become enemy generals. Starting around 10:30am EST/7:30am PST on April 19, the original FEHeroes Wiki will be put into read-only mode. Players will wage tactical battles streamlined for on-the-go play and level up a mix of new combatants and legendary heroes. As a summoner, players build their army by calling upon popular Fire Emblem heroes from worlds that span the breadth of the series. Fire Emblem Heroes is an original strategy RPG about two warring kingdoms in a bitter clash.

Feh gamepedia